Acupuncture treatment may be safely used by most anyone. It can help with a variety of symptoms or conditions. Acupuncture has proven effective in the relief of pain, anxiety, arthritis, eczema, sports injuries, hay fever, asthma, migraine, high blood pressure, menstrual disorders, intestinal problems and pregnancy management or delivery.
Research has shown acupuncture to be effective in helping people with the above listed conditions, as well as with many others. However, it does more than simply relieve symptoms. Acupuncture aims to treat the whole patient while restoring the balance between the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the individual.
In traditional acupuncture, all illness is considered the result of an imbalance of energy. Acupuncture treatment can benefit almost any ill person, so long as the degenerative process in the tissues of the body is not too extensive.
Dry skin, Eczema, Acne, Psoriasis
Abdominal pain, Diarrhea, Colitis, Indigestion, Constipation, Irritable bowel syndrome, Reflux diseases
Cold hands & feet, Anemia, Hypertension, Palpitations
Poor vision, Sore throat, Sinusitis, Ear infections, Tinnitus
Headache, Bursitis, Neuralgia, Stroke, Muscle cramping, Sports injuries, Arthritis, Sciatica
Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Allergies, Common cold
Irregular period, PMS or cramps, Menopausal symptoms, Infertility
Anxiety, Insomnia, Stress
Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs
Increase vitality and energy, Boost immune system, Weight control, Stop smoking, Deep relaxation
**The above is the World Health Organization, WHO provisional list of diseases that lend themselves to acupuncture treatment. Source: Bannerman R H 1979 Acupuncture: the WHO View. World Health, December, p27-28.