Dry skin, Eczema, Acne, Psoriasis
Abdominal pain, Diarrhea, Colitis, Indigestion, Constipation, Irritable bowel syndrome, Reflux diseases
Cold hands and feet, Anemia, Hypertension, Palpitation
Poor vision, Sore throat, Sinusitis, Ear infections, Tinnitus
Headache, Bursitis, Neuralgia, Stroke, Muscle cramping, Sports injuries, Arthritis, Sciatica
Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Allergies, Common cold
Irregular period, PMS or cramps, Menopausal symptoms, Infertility
Anxiety, Insomnia, Stress
Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs
Increase vitality and energy, Boost immune system, Weight control, Stop smoking, Deep relaxation
I saw Dr Joy for nerve damage in my shoulder and was in constant pain. After 4 visits my shoulder is pain free and back to normal. I am so grateful to her skill and compassion.
I suffered migraines for 20 years, they got worse as I got older and nothing helped. Until I found Joy. She is an amazingly talented acupuncturist and herbalist. I knew I had to be patient since I was a chronic migraineur, but after a few months of weekly acupuncture, my migraines fizzled down down down to nearly none! Joy is kind, generous, caring and knowledgeable. I highly recommend her.
When I came to China Accupuncture, I had been diagnosed with 2 herniated disks in my lower back. This made everyday tasks very diffucult. Being told they would have to inject my back with shots, I decided to look for an alternative. My familiy and I have been homeopathic patients for years so this was a natural step for me. Within a few sessions my pain had eased and during a session I actually got a natural movement from my disk that relieved the pressure I've had for a long time. Dr. Joy was able to not only touch my physical being and help me regain my health but my spiritual one as well. Dr. Joy has a comforting way and kind touch in her approach. We are now working on some stomach issues. I'm confident that with Dr. Joy's help, this too will be resolved.
When I came to China Accupuncture, I had been diagnosed with 2 herniated disks in my lower back. This made everyday tasks very diffucult. Being told they would have to inject my back with shots, I decided to look for an alternative. My familiy and I have been homeopathic patients for years so this was a natural step for me. Within a few sessions my pain had eased and during a session I actually got a natural movement from my disk that relieved the pressure I've had for a long time. Dr. Joy was able to not only touch my physical being and help me regain my health but my spiritual one as well. Dr. Joy has a comforting way and kind touch in her approach. We are now working on some stomach issues. I'm confident that with Dr. Joy's help, this too will be resolved.